One of our networkers, Edwin Diersmann, has currently started a digital auction of historical books on apostolic church history, which we would like to draw attention to. A total of 70 books, some of them very rare, are up for auction and can be purchased against highest bid.
Review: The first presentation by the Network in English- The Network and two brief American church topics
Interest in church history extends beyond those in Europe, how to expand accessibility is a challenge of languages. This presentation was the first to expand Network exposure in English.
Financial Report for 2021 published
Our latest financial report for the past year 2021 is ready! It is also published in our member magazine “Rundbrief” (issue 1/2022) and can be downloaded in full below. Income of €57,020.66 is offset by expenses of €88,750.54.
A big thank you in the Advent season
Dear friends of the network, dear site visitors, we would like to take this opportunity to say thank you for a unique and extraordinary good year of the Netzwerk Apostolische Geschichte e.V. in the are of church history, despite all limitations and challenges!
Meeting in Dresden: A new board and much work
Our meeting in Dresden ended this year again with a meeting of the members of the supporting association Netzwerk Apostolische Geschichte e.V. Some elections had to be held and resolutions passed. A central point was the farewell of a proven founding member of the board.
Meeting in Dresden 2021: Pictures and overview
From September 10-12, 2021, about 35 interested people met in Dresden for the now fourteenth annual meeting of the Apostolic History Network. The mostly warm and sunny weekend provided a suitable setting for intensive discussions and lectures, taking into account the special rules and conditions in the second year of the pandemic.
Ludwig Hennrich files handed over to the Brockhagen archive
The New Apostolic Bishop Ludwig Hennrich (1894-1949) is still a minister with great charisma for the members of the New Apostolic Church and the Apostolische Gemeinschaft (Apostolic Community). Through his work as a minister in the Rhineland, the song lyrics he wrote, and his work during and shortly after the Second World War, he became known nationwide.
Registration and program for the annual meeting 2021
Apostolic History Network invites all interested persons to our annual meeting in Dresden. There, from September 10 to 12, 2021, the now fourteenth annual meeting on the church history of the apostolic communities will take place. The venue for the meeting will be, among other places, the church of the Apostolic Community Dresden, which celebrates its 25th anniversary this year. In addition, the congregation looks back on a hundred years of history since its separation from the New Apostolic Congregation in 1921. We will also visit the New Apostolic Church Dresden-Neustadt, which has a historic building dating back to 1903 and represents the “other branch” of newer apostolic communities in Dresden.
Purchase contract signed: Network buys archive building in Brockhagen!
We have already reported that the Apostolic History Network has decided to purchase the previously rented archive building in Brockhagen from the New Apostolic Church Western Germany. On Tuesday, 20 July 2021, the purchase agreement was signed in Dortmund. Uwe von Oppenkowski signed for the New Apostolic Church Western Germany, and Volker Wissen (Chief Financial Officer) and Mathias Eberle (First Chairman) signed the contract for the Network. Thus, the network buys the building for a price of 150,000 euros.
Members Vote: Network decides to buy the Brockhagen Archive building!
Since 2019, there have been considerations in the Network Apostolic History Association to purchase the archive building in Brockhagen, which has been rented until now. Talks with the owner of the building, the New Apostolic Church of West Germany, could be brought to a successful conclusion. In the month of June, the written decision on the purchase of the building was made – due to the current circumstances.