We are pleased to present our latest financial report for the past year 2020. It is also published in our members’ magazine Rundbrief (issue 2/2021) and can be downloaded in full below. Total income of the Netzwerk was €61,268.17, the expenses amounted to €16,802.79.
Joy Bells! Invitation to our virtual Easter Choir
Dear members of the Apostolic History Network, musicians, friends and acquaintances,
now it is Passion time and soon Easter will come again. Since we are still not able to make live music, we are planning a joint virtual choir song for publication on the Internet also for Easter. For this we invite you again to a virtual choir! Easter decorations and a lot of creativity are very welcome.
More than 50.000 Euro in donations for the Brockhagen archive!
At the end of September 2020, we called for donations to support the purchase of the Brockhagen archive by the network. Since then, we have received a lot of response, encouragement, coverage and also a large amount of donations. Well over 100 different donations have now been recorded, and today, February 12, the 50,000 euro mark was clearly exceeded. Our goal of purchasing the archive in the spring or summer of 2021 has thus once again moved a great deal closer.
English site apostolic-history.net launched
The Apostolic History Network has now been present on the Internet for more than ten years. During this time, people interested in and friends of apostolic church history from other countries have also joined us. However, our presences on the Internet remained almost exclusively in German.
New Apostolic Hymnal from 1925 online again
For many years, the texts of New Apostolic musical literature (such as the choir songbook, the “old” New Apostolic hymnal, the public domain parts of the 2005 hymnal of the New Apostolic Church) could be accessed via the website nak-gesangbuch.de. However, the operator of this site passed away some time ago and the site is now no longer accessible.
New in the Archive: Catholic Apostolic Choralbuch from 1865
From an inheritance we were able to acquire a unique testimony of Catholic Apostolic church music for the Brockhagen archive. It is a manuscript printed accompanying book for organ to the German Catholic Apostolic Hymnologium (hymnal) from 1865, probably intended to accompany the Hymnologium edition of 1864. The original book still needs some attention in terms of conservation, but we can already publish a photographic digital copy here.
Virtual lectures 2021
An important field of work of the Network Apostolic History are lectures on church history. However, due to the general situation, we have not been able to offer lectures locally – in Brockhagen and elsewhere – since February 2020. We think that will probably not be possible in 2021 either.
Netzwerk intends to buy Brockhagen archive building
For almost eight years now, Netzwerk Apostolische Geschichte e.V. has been renting the building of the Brockhagen archive from the New Apostolic Church of North Rhine-Westphalia, or West Germany. During this time, the network has grown tremendously – from 22 members at the beginning of 2012 to around 140 members at present. The association’s collection … Read more