Our latest financial report for the past year 2021 is ready! It is also published in our member magazine “Rundbrief” (issue 1/2022) and can be downloaded in full below. Income of €57,020.66 is offset by expenses of €88,750.54.
This means a loss of 31.729,88 € in the treasury of the association. The reason for this is the purchase of the archive in Brockhagen – for the purchase 61,860.30 € were spent directly (purchase price share and ancillary purchase costs), and for the servicing of the loan and a special repayment 12,688.00 € were spent.
Since we were able to record a very substantial surplus of around €44,000 in the previous year 2020 (largely earmarked donations for the archive purchase), we were able to bring this money into the purchase in 2021 and even take a residual amount of just over €10,000 into the new year. Thus, despite the reported loss, the network is very well positioned financially.
To view the previous year’s financial report for 2020, click here.